
Mr P C Cyriac IAS(Retd.)

Chairman. XIME Chennai
Former Addl. Chief Secretary,
Govt. of Tamil Nadu

Prof J Philip

Principal Founder XIME & Chairman, XIME Bangalore,
Former Director IIM-Bangalore

Mr. Anil J. Philip

President, XIME Society,
Former Executive Vice President- Vodafone India

Mr. Harrish F. Mathew

Secretary, XIME Society,
MD Higrid Imaging Solutions Pvt. Ltd.

Fr. Dr. George Sebastian, SJ

Director-XLRI, Jamshedpur

Fr. P. Christie, SJ

Former Director,
LIBA Chennai

Mr. Jose Dominic

CGH Earth, Kochi

Mr. John Joseph

Former Sr. Vice President
Reliance Industries Ltd.

Mr. K. Ashok Vardhan Shetty

Former Vice Chancellor
Indian Maritime University. Chennai

Dr. Manoj Varghese

Chief People Officer,
Tonik Digital Bank

Mr. Thomas Joseph

Head, Antimicrobial Stewardship and Awareness.
World Health Organization.

Mr. Jai Ganesh Chellamuthu (Jai)

Founder & Chief Executive Officer.

Prof. (Ms.) M. Thenmozhi

Professor and Head.
Department of Management Studies, Indian Institute of Technology Madras.
AICTE Nominee-1

Dr. Ravi Veeraraghavan

Officiating Director.
XIME Chennai

Prof. Suresh Kumar V

Dean (Academics).
XIME Chennai

Ms. J Krithika

Senior Asst. Professor
XIME Chennai
