The programme fee of Rs 9,90,000/-, covers Admission, Tuition, Library, Computer Centre, Establishment, Text Books, Programme Materials, Examinations, Diploma, Co- curricular Activities and Alumni Association Membership.
The fees is to be paid in eight installments as indicated below:
First Year : Rs. 5,20,000/- :- Payable in three installments
Second Year : Rs. 4,70,000/- :- Payable in three installments
Dates for payment of fees will be announced at the beginning of the academic year.
Caution Deposit: A one-time caution Deposit of Rs. 25,000 is payable at the time of admission, which is refundable at the end of the programme, after deducting dues to XIME, if any.
Hostel Charges Payable: The Hostel Fees payable by each student will be approximately Rs. 10,500 – Rs. 11,500 per month which includes lodging, boarding, electricity and water charges.
Students are required to stay in the hostel, unless exempted / excluded for any special reasons.
Laptop: It is necessary for every student to possess a laptop.
Note: Fees must be paid on time. Delayed payment will attract penalty.
After commencement of the programme, fees once paid will not be refunded even in the case of a student’s failure / termination or withdrawal from the programme.
International Study Tour
As in the past years, the students of XIME will have an international study tour. This will be organised within the framework of AICTE guidelines in the matter. The Study tour is expected to cost additionally Rs.1,50,000/-. If the actual cost is less,
the difference will be refunded to the students and if the cost is more, the student concerned will have to bear the extra cost . Students of XIME are encouraged to join the International Study Tour, if they so desire, duly bearing the expenses"
However this is not mandatory, only interested students may apply to go.